A key aim of the Society (ANPS Canberra) is the conservation of Australian plants and their habitats.

Conservation work is carried out by individual ANPSC members and the Society as a whole. We are committed to involvement in local, practical and larger-scale conservation projects.

ANPSC is a member of the Conservation Council ACT Region, which “works to protect the Canberra environment” under banners of climate action, nature & waterways, sustainable transport, urban planning, and resources & waste.

ANPSC has memoranda of understanding with the Australian National Botanic Gardens and Canberra Institute of Technology, enabling important Society uses of their facilities.

Each ANPSC monthly meeting has a speaker, who gives an informed presentation on a relevant environment or conservation topic, including specialised presentations on the Australian flora.

We also make conservation submissions, especially in relation to pressing environment and development issues in the ACT and surrounding region.

View Our Conservation Submissions


When active, Wednesday Walks visit key native plant sites in the ACT and in surrounding NSW. Past WW reports are an invaluable resource on this website, and usually they have detailed plant lists and photos.

Many ANPSC members have personal long-term commitments as landcarers and stewards of properties with conservation covenants and agreements.

ANPSC promotes the use of local-provenance seeds and cutting material, in revegetation projects on public and private land.

The ANPSC propagation group grows and makes available a wide range of local species at our spring and autumn plant sales at the ANBG.

ANPSC promotes science- and experience-based revegetation where ‘reading the landscape’ and making corresponding management decisions guide land-caring and conservation activities.

Numerous ANPSC members are also members of groups such as Friends of Grasslands, Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park, ACT Catchment Groups (Molonglo, Southern ACT, Ginninderra), the Field Naturalists Association of Canberra, Greening Australia, National Parks Association ACT, Canberra Ornithologists’ Group and ACT Herpetologists’ Association. These groups generate and promote the whole-of-landscape and natural-history perspectives that are essential for the successful conservation of species and ecosystems.

Plant Communities In The Region:

The Canberra region is part of the upper Murrumbidgee catchment area, which includes many different plant communities.


The Publications page of our website contains all our WW reports, and other conservation publications.

View Our Conservation Publications