Articles / Plant Profiles / Ricinocarpus tuberculatus or wedding bush is dramatic
3 min read | by Ben Walcott, Updated 06/11/2019

Ricinocarpus tuberculatus ‘Bridal Star’ in our garden (above). This plant is a medium shrub 1-2mH x 1mW, with narrow leaves. Masses of scented white flowers in spring. It should be pruned almost every year to generate more small branches as the flowers develop on the ends of tthem. The flowers will last for several months and make a great show of white. We grow ours in semi-shade in heavy clay soil. During severe winters it will develop dead branches. Just cut them out in spring and it will grow new ones.
Rushes and Sedges - 5.33 Cyperaceae: Schoenus Diagrams & Photos
1 min Read
Schoenus Diagrams & Photos