Articles / Favourite / A small flowering tree for any garden

1 min read | by Ben Walcott, Updated 31/03/2019

Even a small garden has room for a flowering tree such as Acacia subulata, a native to the tablelands and Western slopes of New South Wales. This tree grows to at most 4 metres high and has an upright growth habit. Like many wattles, it is fast growing and makes a statement in a year or so. The foliage (phyllodes) is very light and so other plants can be planted close under the tree and they will get almost full

light.This plant (left) is about 3 years old and is growing in well drained soil in full sun. It will tolerate partial shade and heavy soils. Like many wattles, it is not long lived and will last perhaps 10-15 years. Because it grows rapidly, it is easy to replace with a new plant. It flowers profusely a number of times per year and stays in flower for months at a time.


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