Rendezvous Creek Namadgi National Park
By Peter Chandler
Sept 2023
Eight of us met at the Rendezvous Creek carpark and walked a short loop track that starts with bushland and granite boulders running parallel to the creek. It then crosses the creek and passes through grassland before rejoining the original track and returning to the car park. We lunched along the way, under an old Eucalyptus stellulata and surrounded by Flame Robins making the most of last season’s dead Verbascum stems as perches to find food in the vegetation below. We saw 43 different plant species, just over a quarter of the total number on the list for this area. A highlight was Grevillea lanigera starting to flower. A surprise to many of us was the occurrence of flattened leaves (up to 5 mm across) on some of the Hakea Wednesday walkers crossing Rendezvous Creek; Photo: Rob Gibbon microcarpa plants, instead of the more typical terete ‘needles’. Many plants had both leaf types, an observation that has previously been recorded for this species. Any thoughts out there?
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